Thursday, April 8

Tecno (Techno) Brega Style > Popular but not mainstream.How?

A musical movement from Belém do Pará - Brazil

What is interesting is that the artists do their "own" production, distribute this and make millions of  followers without need TV or other main broadcast media.

The fashion
I think that is simple like that available in the downtown commerces, but the artists has dancers that inspires the public.

-Most sensual as possible.
-Handcrafted details
-Mesh fabrics
-Exagerated washes
-corny, naiff, romantic (Brega in Portuguese)

Wanna know more > these vidz are amazing

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1 comment:

  1. Ehy you have got a funny blog! Thanks 4 follow me, I follow you too! See u soon! Xoxo
